Thursday, March 29, 2012

My First Internship Experience

Hi friends today was my first day at a law firm as an intern with much difficulty and lots of mails I was able to land this intern position and was very happy to get the position at one of the most reputed firms here.I reached the office on time and was excited to do some important stuff as a law student but when I reached there my boss just introduced me to other colleagues and gave me a 14 years old case and asked me to make notes on it as well as to maintain all the files properly, so I made the notes and wasted my whole day maintaining the files. I was quite certain that I will get to see come intellectual action form my seniors but was disappointed, well no grudges lets see if i get to see some action tomorrow.

1 comment:

deepti jain said...

Dnt loose hope..i nw dat u can do it n 1 day u vl succeed in life n would be a very good lawyer...:)