Saturday, February 16, 2013

Memories with music

While going through some books in library I read this book called "100 things to do before you die"and one of the must to be done things was learn a musical instrument.Actually I had always been influenced by music and that was the only thing that walloped me always.suddendly when I was doing post graduation and always wanted to learn music but didn't get much time, so that was the moment I decided that I will do it as there won't be any time ever. I brain stromed a little about the kind of musical instrument I should start with. Lost in the thoughts I arrived at the time when I was barly 5 and saw this beautiful violin Toy,red in colour which had music already stored that could be played with a punch of button and had a yellow bow,used to play the violin manually. That was the only toy I ever asked my mom to buy for me and the only lasting toy with me.I used to play with it for hours without letting my siblings touch it.when you have siblings one has to share one's toys well that violin was the only toy that was only mine,I never got bored of it. Then another musical instrument influenced me was guitar.After our school we had to pass through a passage to th exit door where two of our techers practiced guitar singing songs and i would stand there listening them.Normally I would run to the exit door to reach hoe sooner but after that day I always stayed for some time and listened them singing and then run to the exit door this carried on for a week and ended, but i missed it like hell. Later came drums, I had this relative drumin my house for a small period of time and would play it as much as I could.I was scolded several times due to the noise I made but I loved it.later the relative came and the drums were gone. Now I am still confused what to learn.lets see I think I'll enjoy every instrument equally.